Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Shadow of the Black Banshee is coming...

Well, I've been quiet about it for long enough. It's time for the official announcement. Coming soon is 'Shadow of the Black Banshee', a new series, written by Darrick Chen and drawn by me. There's not much more I can say to the project that isn't given in the poster there. Darrick and myself always had a love for golden age pulp heroes and we're going to team up to deliver a love letter to it.

No deconstructionism. No parody. No satire. No snark. No mean-spiritedness. There's enough of that in other comics. Just a genuine action-adventure period piece.

More on it soon. 


Joe said...

YES! I'm so ready to have you back in my regular comic rotation.

Lord Bounty said...

So is that Doc Shadow and a Shadow Girl in teh background there? Same World?

Dave Reynolds said...

@Lord Bounty: Sorry it took so long to reply. Whether they're Doc Shadow and the Golden Age Shadowgirl...

Yes and no. They started off as them, but I wanted the project to stand on it's own, so their names got changed and designs altered some. (They're now Doctor Dark and the Black Banshee.)

As for being in the same universe... Ah, what the hell. Yes, it is. In fact, unless I state otherwise, it's safe to assume, it's all in the same universe. Black Banshee here takes place in the late 1930s, so there's not going to be a lot of interacting with any familiar territories. (Different regions of the country and all that.) Another project I'm working on (which I'm doing both the art and writing on) called 'The Third Accelerator' also takes place in the same universe, but current day.

I should probably make an announcement about all this.