Wednesday, February 13, 2013

State of the Confusion address

So I've been bit quiet on my end, and there's been plenty of reasons for it. The big one is that the schooling stuff and just life in general is about to become radically different for me in about a half a year or so, as I'll be extending my search for employment outside the state of Michigan. Certain issues came up that will expedite my initial plans. This is not a bad thing at all, since, y'know... The Wolverine State kinda blows. And really, I've been wanting to get back out on my own for a while now, and now that I know Dad will be okay. So really, it works out okay. (I hope.) But, this brings me to the Third Accelerator comic: It's in production. No conceptualizing, not character sketches, not first drafts... Actual friggin' production. It's being drawn right now. (Okay, not RIGHT now. Right now, I'm tying on the computer drinking a Shamrock Shake.) This is a big deal, because since Shadowgirls ended, this is the farthest I've gotten. I've always had a creative hang-up or two get in the way. (Yeah, there's the whole leaving Michigan thing that's kinda going to stumble things up a little bit, but at the most, that's a month and it's not a creative hang-up.) But yeah. The final first issue script is finished and I'm workin' away on the comic. (You can see a picture of the script up top. Not worried about spoilers... It's just the first page.)

So how and when am I planning on releasing this? Well, first it'll be released as a webcomic, with a three times a week update schedule. Then upon completion, it'll be offered in a collection with extra material. (No Kickstarters needed for that one. I'm just going right to Amazon's CreateSpace. I'm rather happy of the quality and price of the product.) When will this happen? Normally, I'd say when it's done, but if I can get a regular enough momentum going here, where I can plan ahead and now how long it'll take and everything... It'll go live as soon as I know that I will not catch up to myself. Since I'm only just drawing age one right now, it'll be a little bit. If I didn't have my head up my ass for a while there, it'd probably be done by now.

'Mona' from the Third Accelerator.
In the meanwhile, while I'm drawing this comic, I can't really be sitting here constantly telling you “It's coming soon, this time for sure!” I've been talking to a friend and one thing that might be kinda neat is a sort of unofficial exploration of this universe. Almost like a RPG-stats sort of things, but minus the numbers. I'll be honest, I've never been all that big of a role-playing geek. I have tons of friends that are, but it's just never been my cup of tea. Though I cannot lie how much I always loved looking through the sourcebooks, reading the write-ups and bios of the various characters and creatures. It's kind of like reading the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, or Dreamwave's Transformers 'More than Meets the Eye' sourcebooks, which were at times, better than some of the comics they produced. I always liked reading bios and various designs for characters in a universe. And I'm thinking while I'm drawing this, why don't I do that? It's quite literally a “conceptual sketchbook” so anything goes. Characters from aborted story ideas, characters from Shadowgirls, just plain neat ideas that got drawn with not much story behind them. Revolver Devil, the Phenomenauts, Ultimate Suit of Armor, fanmade characters, unofficial characters, imported characters, whatever. It's just for fun. Yeah, it may or may not be all that interesting to a lot of people, but I remember there was a pretty neat fan-ran forum role playing game that went on during Shadowgirls and if they're still out and about, they might be interested. Or it might just be neat for other people just to see the ideas I have in mind that may or may not get made into a comic some day. (But anyone from the Third Accelerator or a planned comic I have called Firecracker won't be in this things.)

It's just for fun, just for us. I'll do these up in-between pages and commissions every now and then, so there's no set schedule. It's nothing official. The important stuff comes first.

And because I'm a dork, I'll have to come up with an official name for this universe.


Unknown said...

Oh at least a few of us are still around and I'm sure those that are would definitely be interested. I, for one, can't wait to see what interesting things fall out of the recesses of your brain and stick to paper.

SporkBot said...

What a minute...something doesn't add up here.

Shamrock Shake? In -February-?!

Why do you poison us with your LIES! LIES, I SAY!

Unknown said...

Totally none of the old SG rp crazies are left! None at all!

Jacobus said...

Yeah man, none of us RPers are about.
You have me terribly excited sir.
Also, really random idea. But what about 'Radiant' as your universe name?
D Rey, Radiant. See what I did there?

Jacobus said...

Gods damn it. I forgot I had messed with my google account at one stage and not fixed it. It's Jacobus here btw. >_<

Joe said...

I love the encyclopedia type entries for created universes. Bios, stats (even if there are none), character bios/facts. That's probably part of the reason I love RPing so much, is that I get to create histories like that.

Dave Reynolds said...

Yeah, you're all happy now... Wait until you're reminded of my love for horrible puns for names. :P

Jacobus said...

Puns for names are fantastic!
Also, they way my role playing buddies and I look at a game is it's ability for you to make a character, customise it into a 'person' and then for us to tell a story. The person running the game already knows the plot of the story. But it's up to us to discover the story, and play the adventures out by ourselves. It really is alot of fun.

PS I fixed my display name. Go me!