Sunday, December 2, 2012

Return of the penny dreadful...

So while at the store buying a new water filter, I walked through the book section, noticed something funny about all the new novels in the science fiction/fantasy section. They all, I mean, literally ALL have that same cover design style that you see on the Hunger Games and the Twilight books. I got to wonder if the days of the penny dreadfuls have returned, and people are purposely writing books to be like popular books, like the Asylum does their movies.

That being the case, I need to get on top of that novel idea of a coming of age story, about a steampunk dystopian tournament, set in an oddly British society, starring a young strong female wizard, who's in a love triangle with her rival, a brooding mummy werewolfborg and his enemy, an eccentric dressing foreign guy that makes commentaries about believing in yourself and not following the norms of society. Throw in some half-thoughtout references to deconstructionism in classical literature, some sex every 40 pages and then make sure the story comes to an abrupt end that people can see coming from the end of the first chapter, where nothing really changes and people don't learn a damn thing.

Oughta be a hit. :P


Joe said...

.....I'd read that.

Unknown said...

Holy shit I'd read that!!