Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Some updates about the stuff

This is going to be a brief update, not as long winded as usual. So going point by point:

1. The Shadow of the Black Banshee has run into some scheduling problems. The writer has some obligations he's gotta get taken care of first. This is nowhere near the bad news you normally would hear about news from webcomics. (Which I'll explain why next.) But this does push the release of the book to sometime late next year. Yeah, that part sucks, but it'll be cool, and here's why...

2. I mentioned about creating a new universe, and I'm not doing it through ongoing series... But through a slew of miniseries. Honestly, that's one lessons I learned from Shadowgirls is that you don't NEED to make it a constant ongoing project. Especially if it's a project that's a longer narrative type. I mean, we see movies all the time like this. The entire Marvel Cinematic universe is essentially one giant ongoing, but told through connected stand-alone movies. The Dark Knight trilogy told a giant overall story, through three really well done movies. And in Chris Nolan's case, he didn't do these stories back to back. He did a Batman movie, and then did a Prestige. Then a Batman, then an Inception, then a Batman and so on. It prevents creative burnout, allowing for a wide variety of creative storytelling. So by doing each major story as a stand alone miniseries, you can go back and forth between them all, and even plan for a large crossover. The Marvel movies have proven this. I just don't know why more webcomic people haven't done this before.

3. Of course to make all this work, if I'm going to be treating my projects in a more theatrical than the serialized manner that was done with Shadowgirls, that means before the first page even goes live... The ENTIRE MINISERIES needs to be done with first. The reason Shadow of the Black Banshee was pushed back until late next year isn't because that's the soonest the entire thing will be done. My plan is that I want to be working on the NEXT project, before launching the first one. So that way, there's zero delays, interruptions or what not. That means, if it's a 100 page project, then on a M-W-F update schedule, it'll go uninterrupted for six months straight until you get to the conclusion of the story. So yeah, that's why it's taken so long to get a new webcomic out there and why it's still gonna be just a bit longer. I want the entire story completed before going live.

4. Now because Shadow of the Black Banshee has been delayed, does that mean I'm sitting on my butt waiting for the writer's schedule to clear up? No. Actually, I had a secondary side-project that's been moved up to being my main project. It's called the Third Accelerator. (That's the picture for it at the top.) Without revealing too much at the moment, it's basically a fun little science fiction story about space-time, mass acceleration, aliens that live outside of time, and a woman in her late twenties that drinks enough to put Charon McKay under the table. I am currently writing it right now, and I was hoping to have the script completed by the end of NaNoWriMo, but it's gonna take a week or so longer, as I'm gonna help out a friend with his webcomic for the holidays. I'm hoping for a launch date for the Third Accelerator for sometime in the Spring. That project will be followed by Shadow of the Black Banshee.

5. And lastly the big question that's kinda been the elephant in the room since all this went down. Yes, it's all in the same universe. And it's in the same universe as Shadowgirls. The odds of some of the characters from Shadowgirls popping up in one of the future stories here is extremely likely. (Particularly a certain raven haired girl with glowing blue eyes.) The Black Banshee takes place in the 1930s of the same universe, and Third Accelerator takes place current day.

So in short: Banshee delayed. Slew of miniseries. Whole story done before it goes live. First up is the Third Accelerator, followed by Black Banshee. All same universe as Shadowgirls. So this is pretty much the plan for the future. It may take a while... But the only reason I see this changing is either I get a job doing comics that prevents me from doing this (seems unlikely) or I'm dead. (You never know. I heard that death is still the leading cause of fatalities.)

And that's it. If you got any questions, as away.  


Joe said...

I'm sure you get this a lot, but I'm fan-girling in an entirely un-masculine way about this news. I've missed your writing/art. It's good to know I (and the rest of your adoring fans) won't have to wait much longer to see your work again.

adamas said...

So Banshee's in the 30's version of the SG Universe, And now Accelerator in the Modern Universe... Now I'm even MORE anxious to see them!!

And Happy Thanksgiving man!

Jasonm said...

love the name third accelerator!