Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hello to the new people

Well, considering the jump in average page views jumping up almost 85% in one day, I’m assuming you’re either here from the Shadowgirls site or you’re here to see the Batgirls cover below. Either way, welcome to the place. Since I don’t know how longer the Shadowgirls blog will be around for, I’ll be posting updates and the like here. I’ll be mainly posting my usual lunacy like talking about things like the top 100 hottest cartoon girls, or the philosophical lameness of a universal reboot. If you check to the side there, you’ll notice a couple of links. One to my DeviantArt Gallery, one dead link to Comics, and one to submission guidelines.

DeviantArt Gallery, which is where I submit a majority of the art and commissions that I do. Most of them are pretty SFW, though there’s the occasional few that might not be. (I try to put a mature label on those few, so people browsing there at work doesn’t have to worry about any problems.)

The Comics link is blank for the moment. I mentioned at the Shadowgirls site that first and foremost I want to finish the remaining season arc for Season Two’s collection. I do got a few projects in mind (some of which you can see teases for in earlier posts) but until I get the financial situation figured out, I won’t be making any release date announcements for those… I’ll want to get the entire story done first. However, you’ll probably be seeing me run a few stand alone short B&W stories. Mainly because I’ve not worked a lot in B&W and I think it might be a bit of fun to work in that, to keep myself busy while I tryuing to get my shit together. (If you’re familiar with Adam Warren’s Empowered series, about how he did his earlier stories, with short self contained tales… That’s what you can look forward to. Some will be Shadowgirls stories, some will be all new characters. And some will be something completely different. But for right now, it’s left blank as there’s nothing there… Yet.

Commissions are there in case you wanna help out with me making a few bucks. Nothing illegal, please. (The picture of Kos-Mos and T-Elos up there in this post is a recent commission done for a friend.)

For those of you who came here to see the Fake-Batgirls: Hope Prevails cover, I will be doing more of those. That was extremely fun to do, and I see no reason not to continue the fun. (Yes, I've given consideration to doing a fancomic of it. How long of one, I don't know yet. I got a few other urgent financial matters to take care of first.)

Other than that, I’m going to try to keep a regular update schedule here… I haven’t decided what it’ll be yet… As I’m kinda making some of this up as I go. Other than that, feel free to say hello, and if you have any questions that you might have… Ask away.

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