Saturday, January 7, 2012

Artwork Evolution 2000-2011

I did this Improvement Meme on my DeviantArt account toward the end of 2009, showing my art from 2000-2009. I would have gone back to the earlier years, but unfortunately. most of the artwork I had from back then has been scattered tot he winds from the various uprootings and moves across states. Not to mention they were drawn before I had my first computer in fall of 1999, so I didn't end up scanning in a lot of my old artwork. (And the stuff I do have, I'll be honest, I don't exactly remember what year it's from.) So with the new year upon us, I thought it might be a bit fun to update it with the last two years, just for comparison's sake.

...So hope you enjoy it. 

Open it in a new window
to get the full size.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is actually really cool to see.