Saturday, September 24, 2011

Red X and the Outlaws: Or if I had my way on this one too.

If you’ve been paying attention to the comic scene for the last few days, you’ve probably noticed a bit of an uproar over the recent book “Red Hood and the Outlaws” due to the sheer fact of how bad it is. You see, in the comic, they had the Titans known as Starfire essentially offering herself to be Roy Harper and Jason Todd’s boner warmer, as if this was merely a quaint boredom reliever for her. It basically turned the proud and passionate Starfire into a really badly written sexually degrading character.

Now I’ve gone on record to admit I’m a pervert, but even as a pervert, you need to do what Italian Spider-Man says and ‘respect the women’. I’m not going to go into details on my thoughts about this whole mess, because Laura Hudson over at Comics Alliance pretty much said all that needs to be said. Between this and the “Batgirl Cosplayer” from SDCC, I don’t think DC’s public relations with female readers is going over too well these days.

Along with what Ms. Hudson says, I also have another problem with Starfire propositioning herself to Roy Harper. You see… When I read comics, if the character has been voiced in a cartoon, I will read the dialogue in that voice. (Kevin Conroy for Batman, George Newbern for Superman, ect.) But you see, when it comes to Starfire… I think of Hynden Walch’s voice from the Teen Titans cartoon show. So um… This image got put into my head…

And now I want to put my head in a wood chipper.

Annnnyways. I thought about it and wondered if I could do for Red Hood and the Outlaws concept, and see what if I took the idea and put my own twist on it, like I did with the Batgirls concept? How would it be different? Maybe I could make it better? So I thought about it, and drew up the fake cover and series premise here.

RED X AND THE OUTLAWS: REDEMPTION ROAD - The mysterious Red X has discovered that Arsenal's daughter is still alive. While Roy and Starfire believes him, unfortunately, everyone else believes former villain is lying to take advantage of the grief stricken archer. Together with Red X, the trio will journey the dark and mystic Redemption Road to reunite father and daughter together again.

So why did I use Red X as opposed to Red Hood? Well, it’s simple. Red Hood sucks. Never liked Jason. I accept that Jason Todd is back from the dead, but I won't accept that I'm supposed to like him. (I mean, Christ... I PAID fifty cents to kill that little bastard back in the 80s!) However, Red X from the Teen Titans cartoon was awesome, and there's worse things to do than introduce him into the DC universe. Like, you know... Turn Starfire into a dick depository for the male leads.

And here’s the logo-less cover.

So next week… I’ll try to actually talk about the next comic book project. (For reals!) Unless I get distracted by another horrible comic book.


SporkBot said...

Read your comments and Ms. Hudson's, and I have to agree on just about all points. It's funny that I'm so ticked about the ruination of a character I don't even know much about beyond the cartoon.

Me, I'm a straight guy: I likes the ladies, and when they look a certain way, it grabs my attention. That said, they do not have to all be these double-D chested, horny broads that'll do unspeakable things in bed after removing their dental-floss costumes. Rogue never looked better than when she was in that full body suit with the bomber jacket. Cassie Cain, Supergirl, Steph Brown...they've mostly been showed realistically proportioned (to me, anyway), and they look just fine as a result.

Honestly, it never struck me as sensible for a female hero to be running around with V-cut, cleavage-bearing costume (like Black Cat, don't get me started on how contrived she's become). I don't think "gee, that's hot", I think, "doesn't that increase wind-resistance when she's running across rooftops?"

And the sexual liberation thing? I've ALWAYS taken that as an excuse, and cheap one at that. I can count on one finger, right now, when two people having sex actually contributed something to a story, or had genuine meaning (well...TWO fingers, now that I've read all of Brightest Day).

Here's the problem: Some people think that what everyone wants, whether they'll admit it or not, is for things to be sexier and skimpier and raunchier and so forth. That's why Family Guy has so many rape "jokes". That's why the throw two chicks making out into whatever they can and expect it to be a success. What's worse, they think it supplements for actual story and deep characterization. But it doesn't work. It appeals to a smaller demographic, but unfortunately, some IN that demographic may be the ones calling the shots (look at Judd Winick's Barry Ween, and tell me his Catwoman isn't how he wishes HIS girlfriend/wife/whatever was like).

I can see Catwoman having sex with Batman, but I cannot see Batman screwing Catwoman while he's on patrol. That isn't him. Sure, I understand it makes him more "realistic" if he has those desires and even acts on them...but at the right time or place, or else he's just fanfic writer with an author avatar in his latest story.

So here's my solution:
That's not Starfire, it's Blackfire posing as her sister, and she's got some evil plan or she wanted to be hero but wouldn't get the chance if she just approached humbly for forgiveness. Also, That's not Batman; Selina imagined the whole thing in her mind. Maybe a psychological thing she can work through or maybe a harmless fantasy she gets over. I dunno. Less stupid than what DC's doing.

Wyokid said...

I'm the same, I read character in their voice, not Starfire for some reason, but Harley... :(

Anonymous said...

I like it, I'll read it.

~ Pink X