Friday, September 10, 2010

Beast Machines: Generation's End

Roughly ten years ago (less actually, but who’s counting really?) I did a Transformers fanfic comic that until recent days with Shadowgirls, was probably the single piece of work I’ve one that I’ve been asked about. It was title BEAST MACHINES: GENERATION’S END (From here out called BM:GE and it was conceived to be basically “Season Three” of the late Transformers series. A little back history for those that might not know what the hell this is. You see, Beast Machines was the follow up series to Beast Wars, which is considered by many to be the greatest Transformers series ever. (This has been argued quite a bit as of recent days. I personally think “Transformers: Animated” was a better show and there was some who think that the original Generation One is superior to all. (They’re wrong.) Regardless, Beast Wars was held in very high regard. And when Beast Machines debuted, to say it was controversial was putting it as mildly as you can possibly imagine. Now, I won’t rehash the controversy here. You either know of it, need to look it up, or you won’t care. Odds are, I’m willing to bet that if you’re reading this and you’ve gotten this far, you’re in the first category. So I’ll continue on. Now when Beast Machines ended, it was supposed to lead up into the next series called Transtechs. Now for a crap load of reasons I don’t feel like retyping, this never happened and Hasbro imported a Japanese anime called ’Car Robots’ as the very underrated and pleasantly awesome ‘Robots in Disguise’. (I should note, this was the first time in almost ten years we would see the return of not just Autobots and Decepticons, but of realistic vehicular Transformers, and even the beginning of the whole “Alternate Universe” concepts that had been a mainstay in Transformers for the past decade. (Seriously, the reason I’m not bother by the differences in the Michael Bay films is that we’ve already been exposed t the concepts of alternate universes for like… seven years now.) Seems odd now, I know… But it was a big deal then. But that’s another story all together.) When I learned that the story of Beast Machines wasn’t going to continue, and it had left a few plot issues unresolved that I wanted some closure on, I decided to attempt to continue it in comic book form. Prior to this, my friend Jason Moser and I had done something similar with a “missing Beast Wars script” called Dark Glass. We got a rough little synopsis of the episodes content and we decided to make a comic out of it. (I wrote, he did the art.) Well, I wasn’t going to ask him to do this, since he didn’t really care all that much about the series, and I’m supposed to be an artist (though by looking at my art then, I’m sure you couldn’t tell it) and I decided it might be prudent for me to do the art chores myself.

Just so you all understand a timeframe here: This is early 2001...
There was no Transformers cartoon show on the air at the time. Beast Machines had run all 26 episodes in Canada, and Fox Kids was just finishing it’s run in the states. The next show ‘Robots in Disguise’ would not run in the states for another eight to nine months. There was no regular Transformers comics to buy. Dreamwave hadn’t gotten the rights to the license yet and wouldn’t for another year or so. The only Transformers comic we had was the yearly Botcon comic books, which were… Well… Um… Not all that… Good. (If you’re one of those people who worked on the early 3H comics. Sorry, but that’s how I felt.) Webcomics was something still in it’s infancy. (Some would say it still is… Or at least it’s a toddler now.) People wrote fanfics all the time, but fan comics was kinda rare. There wasn’t many. The most popular ones was Don Figueroa’s Macromasters and Matt Nelson’s Superdeformers. I’d like to think mine was respected… But I can’t say that since I never got that far in it.

One of the largest factors in the creation of BM:GE was the reaction the fan base had to the conclusion of the series: Cybertron was reformatted into a technorganic planet. Now personally, I thought “Wow, the possibilities one could do with this!” But they were kinda pissed that the wholly mechanical Cybertron was no longer such. Since then, opinions have been re-evaluated more favorably (especially in the wake of such shows like Energon.) but it’s still far from universal. It inspired me to fashion a story around the notion of xenophobia among robots. The idea was that after the Reformatting, the old Maximal elders rolled right back in and tried to run the show like how they used to, ignoring (either willingly or not) the fact that the world had changed. It was kind of meant to be symbolic with the fan base. Many were vehemently opposed to the notion of any change in Transformers that differs from what they’re used to. Highly ironic, considering this is a show about robots that change. The overall message in the story is that “You can’t live in the past, life is change and change isn’t always bad.” I’d like to think that the fan base has come to terms and realized this… But then I’ll hear people complain about Animated, the Michael Bay movies, or the upcoming Prime series, and it’s the SAME COMPLAINTS as it was ten years ago. (It also taught me the most important and interesting lesson in life: “All politics is essentially over glorified fanboys at work. There’s people who want to force change, or the worst will happen. There’s people who want to force status quo, or the worst will happen. And then there’s people who like to see where things go naturally, without forcing anything, where most people, including myself, are.” (Seriously, apply that rule to everything controversial from the Ground Zero Mosque to the Star Wars Prequels and even to serious issues like New Coke vs. Classic Coke. And it suddenly makes a hell of a lot of sense.)

So I started the story, with the full intention of seeing it all the way through. The problem I ran into was the same problem I always ran into until my time working with David Rodriguez on Shadowgirls… I get started on stuff, and suddenly I wanna make changes to it, because I think I came up with a better idea. I started this off doing it normal comic page orientation, the I tried horizontal, and then I was going to go back to horizontal but in B&W, and so on and so forth. Basically, the story stopped before I even got started. My pride got the better of me and I was like “I should be doing this for money, not for free!” (I think I had an ego I didn’t really deserve, to be blunt about it.) But no matter what I told myself, the truth of why I stopped doing this was simple: I knew I wasn’t good enough to pull it off, especially all on my own. Now, I always had it in the back of my head that one day I’d return to the story when I was more artistically mature and better experienced to handle the story. In the past several months, I’ve come to realize that I have indeed reached that point… But I no longer have the drive or desire to continue this story for several reasons:

1. Many of the ideas I had, such as Optimus Primal being considered not of sound mind has been done now in several other comic books by far more talented people than I. What was once I thought an original concept would now be just repeating was had been told already.

2. Some of the concepts of the story that I was going to address, such as the origin of Primus and Unicron had basically been made null and void on a ’multiversal‘ scale.

3. The amateurish level of the original pages. Seriously, some of the dialogue in there was… Bad. Very, very bad. And the art was worse. I mean, I’m assuming at this point in time, if you’re reading this, it’s because you’re familiar with my art now. Well, my art then wasn’t that good. It was the opposite of good. If I was to continue it, I’d want to start over completely, and if I do that… Then I might as well make other changes too, which would be drastic enough to make it a different story all together.

4. Part of my interest in doing BM:GE was the controversial nature of it. Since then, my interests and areas of focus have changed dramatically. I’m not the same bitter angry fanboy I was then. I don’t enjoy picking stuff apart and ridiculing the hard work of others. (I’m not sure I ever did, though some sure seemed to think I did.) Even though the intent of the story was indeed “Pro-Beast Machines” and I wasn’t going to verbally dissect it, I DO understand the apprehensions people had toward the series and I didn’t feel like dissecting that either.

So in short, will I ever return to do BM:GE? The answer is no. If I do another TF fan comic, it’ll either be a Transformers: Mosaic, or something with another artist. I have too many other artistic obligations that must come first. I do have a few stories ideas in mind I’d love to do. I got what I think would be a great story for the Machine Wars. I have what I think would be some awesome stories for the movie universe. And above all else, I would love to tackle Robots in Disguise. In fact, if I do one that I end up drawing… It’ll be that.

So in the meanwhile, HERE is the infamous story, such as it was. Well, I’ve told the back story of how the story came about and why it stopped… I guess it’s only fair to tell the story of what was going to happen:


It’s mentioned in the second chapter that Silverbolt was missing in action. The reason was that he was retro-reformatted as Jetstorm. After the incident in the Citadel, where the Maximal Elders were protesting the technorganic, it was going to be proposed to set up retro-reformatting camps, to change anyone who had been reformatted into a technorganic back to being completely technological. The idea was that this was at first going to be voluntary. Essentially, the Elders felt that the Technorganic citizens (or meatbots) would become a potential welfare state, since the biological differences between the Technorganics and the Standards would require vast considerations. Trees would be needed to produce the oxygen, food would have to be grown, there was now certain tasks that they could no handle anymore, ect. Essentially the Standards were looking at the Technorganics as inferiors, and was creating sectors for them to live in, under the guise of “doing it for their own good.” Sound like apartheid? It should, because that’s what it was meant to be.

The political situation on Cybertron would have been explained a lot more. Now before I continue, understand that at this point in time… It had NOT been explained. We did not know about the bi-partate committee. We did not know about Magmatron or LioConvoy being on the same counsel. All we really knew was that the Maximals were in charge, the Predacons were second class citizens, and it’s been like that since the end of the Great War. So I was pretty much thinking that the moon of Cybertron (I called it Sion) was like Australia: A former prison colony that earned it’s independence. Now during Megatron II’s occupation (which I called the Viralclysm) he pretty much left the moon of Sion alone, saying “The Predacons are my brothers, and as far as I’m concerned, you are now a free state. But stay off my planet, or you will meet the same fate as the Maximal Imperium. I have great plans for us, and you cannot interfere with them.” So the Viralclysm happens, and eventually so does the Spark War. Megatron II is defeated, Cybertron is reformatted, but the moon was left untouched. (It’s part of that whole balance thingie.) Afterwards, the Maximal Elders, who fled to space when the slag hit the rotor blade, returns like the gods from Olympus all proclaiming “We’re back. Everything is going to be okay now!” So serious tensions arise between the Standards and the Technorganics. Essentially, some of the Technorganics were running around like the I.R.A. in Northern Ireland. Tensions was getting high. (I want to point out that this story was written in early 2001, before 9/11 and the War on Terror.) The Predacons have been supplying weaponry to the Technorganics, and the largest freedom fighter cell, the Victory Knights was led by Nightscream. (now Knightscream.) The Predacons have changed as well. No longer Decepticon-Lites, they were modeled more after Dinobot’s code of honor, led by Magmatron. Knowing what it’s like themselves to be treated as less than equal, they side with the Technorganics and offer sanctuary to any that feels persecuted.

Big Convoy (who in my scripts I realized I wrote horribly and I still feel bad about it) would have approached Cheetor, who had unwillingly become like a holy figure. (Since he talks to the Oracle.) Big Convoy felt the Maximals Elders were wrong in their persecutions of the Technorganics, and wanted to ask Cheetor for assistance in stopping the violence. There was a lot of support for the Technorganics, but in order to make the Elders listen, violence needed to stop. Big Convoy felt that since Cheetor was a former teammate, coupled with his recent standing as a holy figure, perhaps Knightscream would listen. If they can stop the acts of terrorism, then perhaps they could use this as leverage against the Elders and make positive changes. Big Convoy’s partner Nightviper was a former member of his crew who also attended. (Yes, I had made her a female. I think I’ve explained before why I did. Regardless though, if it still bothers people, then we can just say it’s a different character, or just say it was the Japanese version of her. Like Magnaboss and Magnaboss II were different characters named the same who looked the same.) Big Convoy and Nightviper were romantically involved. (Yes, I know… I know… Forgive me.) Cheetor had an interest in Nightviper, but quite frankly, the interest wasn’t reciprocated. Cheetor of course agrees, and thinks the fighting doesn’t help anyone, and wants to do whatever he can to help. I need to point out right now that all this time, Waspinator, now a tiny bug is still flying around Cheetor irritating the hell out of and making fun of him. So during the entire story, he’s by Cheetor, mocking him. During the meeting, they were attacked by Jetstorm and some Vehicons. (I don’t remember them all. I know Spy Streak was one of them.) This surprised everyone, since Jetstorm was supposed to be Silverbolt now, and not evil anymore. During the attack, Jetstorm gets a lucky shot in (I believe it was going to be one of those “taking a bullet” things) and kills Big Convoy. He escapes, but one dead Vehicon is left behind.

Cybertron is in a state of mourning for the fallen hero, as forensics evidence point out that the dead Vehicon was a Technorganic who had reverted back to his Vehicon self. Fear starts rising that the Technorganics are turning back into Vehicons and the Viralclysm is going to happen all over again. Since it’s impossible to tell which Technorganic was once a Vehicon or not, they need to be tested. Using this as an excuse, martial law is imposed and testing camps are created. Several Technorganics escape to Sion and many are captured along the way. Cheetor, with Nightviper, Rattrap, Botanica, Blackarachnia (and of course Waspinator) follows a train of clues to find the Victory Knights which take them to the crashed “Megatron Head” (which we now know is called the Grand Mal) where they discover Strika and Obsidian commanding an underground army of retro-formatted Vehicons. Among the retro-formatted are Silverbolt and Knightscream. They find evidence that the Vehicon Generals were following a “Last Command” of Megatron’s called “Operation: Generation’s End.” Megatron always had a backup plan, and in case he fell, this was his. A fight ensues, and during it Nightviper slashes off half of Obsidian’s face. (He lives though. Think Two-Face.) Cheetor grabs a computer file with visual evidence on it and with Nightviper and Waspinator they escape. Though the others are captured and retro-formatted themselves into Vehicons.

Cheetor and the girls arrive at the Counsel of Elders with the proof that the current state of violence and fear on Cybertron is playing into Megatron’s hands. They have to cease the testing camps, as there’s no danger from the Technorganics. They must team up with them to stop Strika and Obsidian from seeing Megatron’s last command through. The Elders ask for proof, and Cheetor shows them the evidence.

Here is where the story takes place through Megatron’s journal entries. It tells the story how when he fell off the Autobot Shuttle, he landed on Cybertron some 200 years before the Darkside and Axalon’s departure to the Beast Wars. Working underground, he develops much technology and takes on the name Cryotek to avoid drawing attention to himself. (Yes, I know Cryotek was a different guy. But at the time, he wasn’t much more than a blue Megatron toy.) He realized that he would become his own mentor and he loved the idea of basically creating himself. He performed experiments on the Transmetal Driver, which allowed him to explore the evolutionary concepts.

Now if you’re going to read anything, this is the key part right here. The part that if anything, is the part I’m still proud of. Remember, prior to BM, Megatron never had an issue with Organics. But once the series began, he did.

Upon doing experiments, he discovers that the Transmetal process was merely another stage in the evolution of Transformers, just merely accelerated by the alien Vok. One day, the Transformers would eventually have become Transmetals on their own. This was fascinating to him. So he did further experimentations. (And by experimentations, I mean, torturing innocents.) Eventually in his tests, he discovers an advancement of Transmetallization: Technorganics. Machines so precise and advanced they mimic organic mechanisms. No need for a CR chamber, the chassis will eventually heal itself. No need for Energon anymore, the body can extract energy from acids and sugars, as well as Energon. Fuel could be grown. Upgrades were natural evolutionary functions and no longer needed to be body overhauls. Abilities could be learned now, as opposed to installed. They weren’t organic, they were still machines… But machines so advance that nothing had been seen like it ever. There was the drawbacks of courses. They needed to breathe, and the bodies weren’t as durable as the machine ones were. But those could be easily compensated for. However there was one catch that sent it all spirally to Hell… He noticed on the female Technorganics, a unique strain in their spark’s DNA that’s been dormant in all female Transformers since as far back as the records go. Until now. This strain allow with coupling of a male spark to form “Spark Mitosis” or a form of dual budding.

Basically the Transformers would one day sexually reproduce.

This sends Megatron into a fit of rage. He finds this notion an abomination to the species, cursing organics and their ways. Currently the Transformers needed to be manufactured, with help from the Creation Matrix of various other methods. The population was under control. But you put population control in the hands of the simple minded fools, procreation would become a virus. A virus which would overcome and destroy any manifest destiny that the Cybertronians had. Then it occurred to him that since this strain was present in the Spark all along, that this was part of Primus’ grant plan. Instead of accepting this, Megatron’s ego declared that Primus was wrong. He felt destiny needed to be changed, and by force if need be. He decides that revolution against the world s the best solution. To extract the sparks of those who would oppose him, and subjugate them all. No one could be spared. It was all or nothing. Then he could consume the sparks, rewrite them and start all over, with him as their god now. (Once again, remember the 13 or the history or Primus and Unicron was not established yet.) He would leave the Predacons alone (for now) because after all, what’s a god without followers? However, should he fail, he had a backup plan.

The moon of Sion, though now a colony was once a giant Transformer named Dark Nova. The moon was built around his remains. On him surface though is a giant dreadnought thruster. The thruster would activate for a few second, knocking it out of orbit, causing it to collapse into Cybertron’s surface, kicking up shrapnel and debris, wiping out all organic life on the planet, and the ensuing Nuclear Winter would ensure it’s destruction, leaving only the technological Transformers in it’s surviving wake. This would also kill all Predacons on Sion as well. And the activation switch was in the Cybertronian Citadel, where the Maximal Elders current reside.

After playing that message, members of the Counsel replies with “We know.” And then Obsidian and Strika show up behind them. The Elders were working with the Vehicon Generals to help rid Cybertron of Technorganics AND the Predacons once and for all. There are some Elders who didn’t know about this, and they start to protest when they’re taken down. They’re all surrounded and taken prisoner, when Cheetor lashes out to help everyone escape, by taking the traitorous Maximal Elder hostage. Jetstorm and Knightscream intervene, and try to stop him. A fight ensues that takes them over a deep chasm. Obsidian, not taking any chances, orders the planetary defense batteries to open fire on the four of them. The blasts destroys the Elder and almost kills Cheetor, Silverbolt and Rattrap. They fall to their apparent death, down the chasm… Almost to the core. Waspinator follows.

Fighting breaks out and in under a day, a new war threatens to eclipse all of Cybertron, this time with the factions being Maximal Elder Loyalists and Vehicons against the Predacons, Technorganics and the rest of the population that doesn’t agree with genocide. Which is most of the population. Vastly outnumbered, the Vehicons would be overturned, if not for the Doomsday device held in the Citadel.

Obsidian, not willing to overlook a good revenge tactic, in classic vaudevillian style, ties Nightviper to the top of a spire, exactly a ground zero impact pint of the moons collapse. Strika starts to have second thoughts, telling Obsidian that Megatron is dead… They do not need to follow his command. He is no longer Cybertron. Since they are loyal to Cybertron, they should be loyal to the population. Genocide is not be the answer. Obsidian replies that for centuries they have protected Cybertron ever since they left their peaceful home of Paradron. They lost one home already, and now he’s lost another. The Cybertron he knew and loved was no more. And that’s when he reveals that the moon crash isn’t just going to destroy all organic life on Cybertron and Sion, but with the coordinates locked in place, the impact zone the moon would collide with would shatter Cybertron into pieces and cause all life, organic and machine to be destroyed. Obsidian plans to kill himself and everyone with him. Strika realizes that her lover has gone too far tries to talk him back from this. It looks like he is agreeing to this, when she lets her guard down and he blows her head off. In what I think was going to be an extremely emotionally touching moment, he would weep for her, and then in his name press the button which activates the moon’s thruster. Across the entire planet, people look up to see the moon falling toward them. In five hours, the moon would collide, destroying everything. People all over the planet tries to evacuate in ships, but the planetary batteries shoot down the ships as they attempt to escape. Predacons on Sion attempt to escape as well, but many ships are shot down by orbital cannons. Essentially, they’re all trapped there.

Meanwhile at the near-core, Waspinator buzzes about Cheetor and barely wakes him. The others are barely conscious or alive as well, when they’re surrounded by a giant light. The Oracle has approached them. It takes the form of various fallen comrades of theirs. Optimus Primal, Rhinox, Dinobot, Depth Charge, ect. The Oracle explains that Cybertron must survive, that not only does the Transformers have a great destiny, but so does Cybertron, the planet itself. If Obsidian is allowed to destroy it, then all hope would be lost, though their destinies are different, they are entwined with each other. Cheetor, fed up with the cryptic talk, demands an answer. If this is all part of a grand plan of Primus, then he needs to know what is going on. The Oracle concedes and a flash of light later, it is revealed that the Oracle is voice of the Vok. The Oracle retells the origin of Cybertron. (Remember… This was before when all we had for the origin of the Transformers was the Quintessons and the Primus origin, and not much else.)

Billions years ago, near the dawn of space and time, there was two rivaling members of the Vok species… Primus and Unicron. During their battle, they were imprisoned in planetoid. Unicron, a force for Chaos fashioned his planetoid into a transforming world and went out to continue to destroy the universe. As a giant planet, his world developed life. This life would come to be known as the Quintessons. Unicron promised to spare them and this galaxy until the end of the universe, if they would go and seek out and find Primus for him. They agreed. (But they’re Quintessons, so they’re not very trustworthy.) They spread their empire throughout the galaxy… Including a small green organic planet. Life was abundant on this planet, but the Quintessons did not care. They would have though, if they had known that this planet was the world in which Primus himself was imprisoned. His life essence bled out into the world creating life fro the lifeless. They paved over the world, creating in it’s place a giant factory planet for their works. They called this factory planet Cybertron. Using the indigenous species there as slave labor, they fashion experiments out of them, including the Trans-Organics. Technological evolution took place and what was once organic, became mechanical. What was once souls, became sparks. And what was once the Oracle, became Vector Sigma. Evolution continued, until it led up to the events of the G1 cartoon show. Cybertron was built over an organic world, which was actually Primus itself. To destroy Cybertron would destroy Primus. To destroy Primus would mean that Chaos would have no opposition and all of space and time would be in peril. So the Beast Wars was predestined. They were sent to Earth to bring back the organic material to Cybertron. While the planet was originally organic, the mechanical was also of it’s nature. BOTH was needed. For the Transformers grand destiny was to (in twelve billion years) become the Vok, which in turn, since Space and Time have no meaning for them, would be responsible for the creation of trillions and trillions of life forms and worlds throughout time. Including Cybertron and Earth.

Cheetor, Jetstorm, Rattrap, and Waspinator are pretty much at awe at this revelation. Obviously they agree to help and do whatever they can to save the day. The Oracle tells them that the Technorganic bodies they possess are merely just another stepping stone of evolution. They must “transcend the technorganic” and become greater than that. A light ensues, and they become the Transtechs. (Some of you might have seen my character designs for that already.) Silverbolt is back, but he still possesses his memories of Jetstorm… But is more at peace with it. It’s not a dark side like before… He’s accepted it as part of himself. Rattrap and Cheetor pretty much become more powerful. Rattrap is now heavily armed and turns into what I think was going to be a monowheeled tank cycle, looking more owing to Computron than anything. Cheetor is much bigger… Like almost Optimal Optimus big and turns into a huge ass dragster. And Waspinator is a motorcycle, whose’ wheels flip around onto his shoulders emulating “bee wings” allowing him to hover. Their transformation codes is now “Optimize!” Part of Silverbolt’s new abilities is folding space, so he’s able to transport the quartet to the surface of Cybertron, right as panic is setting in, with less than ten minutes to go. So in the midst of panic, here’s these four warriors appearing out of nowhere looking like gods, and people start to freak out more. (If Techspecs were available, they’d all be 9, 10 or 10+) Obsidian sees this and orders an attack on the four, as a horde of Vehicons start of swarm them.

The four go battle ready and start fighting. One of Cheetor’s abilities is to use his Swords (which glow like a light saber) and by striking the Vehicons, he can transcend reformat them into Transtechs. Essentially, by striking them down, he can cure them. (But this only works with those that were already Technorganic in the first place.) The fellow teammates like Blackarachnia, Botanica and Knightscream are those that are healed. Blackarachnia turns into like a Tachikoma tank from Ghost in the Shell, Knightscream turns into a bat shaped “digital interface sword” (Think Armada’s Star Saber) and I don’t remember what Botanica turned into. Rattrap gets this brilliant idea. Calculates real vast, and suggests to Silverbolt to rocket up toward the approaching Sion as fast as possible (too fast for the planetary cannons to target him) and try to spin the moon rotation 45 degrees, so the thruster is pointing laterally to Cybertron. Rattrap and Botanica heads to the Citadel to get the thruster activation device as Knightscream transforms into Silverbolt’s sword, and they flie up toward the orbit of Sion as near light speeds. This leaves Cheetor, Blackarachnia and Waspinator to fend off the approaching armies.

Cheetor sees Obsidian hovering by the bound Nightviper and he activates his “Prime Jets” and flies off for the rescue. Waspinator tells Blackarchnia to go help get the Technorganics to safety, and she asks if he’s crazy or stupid to be left alone and vastly outnumbered. He replies “Both, but Waspinator need Spider-bot out of range. Waspinator has plans.” Helping the Technorganics escape, Waspy activates his special ability: “Hyper-Speed Buzz Kicking Mode”, which essentially slows down space and time, slowing the approaching Vehicons to a standstill, allowing him to whip around each one, taking them all down, without killing a single one. And at the end of the fight, Waspinator stands on top of a giant building sized pile of deactivated Vehicons proclaiming “Waspinator Rules!!” which impresses Blackarachnia and the citizens of Cybertron, who start to regain hope.

Cheetor’s fight with Obsidian takes him high around the spire where Nightviper is bound. During the fight, Obsidian turns the planetary cannons on Cheetor. It looks like Obsidian has the upper hand, but he didn’t realize that during the fight, Cheetor had freed Nightviper and used his sword to Transcend Reformat her into a Transtech, who jumps on Obsidians back and impales him from behind. This distracts him enough for cheetor to fly at Obsidian as full speed, and ram him into the spire, sticking him to it, trapping him. Of course the guns have turned on Cheetor, who was right there next to Obsidian, and they start just blasting the two of them apart. Nightviper’s new power is the ability to heal, so she grabs Cheetor, and heals him. (On the surface, the Technorganics take out the planet guns.)

Rattrap and Botanica fight their to the activation button and obtained it. Silverbolt had just finished spinning around the moon as fast as he could and the thruster had rotated only 44.7 degrees. The moon is less than a minute from impact, gravitational pulls from it is totally screwing up the planet, everything is going in total chaos. Rattrap figures its now or never, and both him and Botanica hits the button together, and pray it’s rotated enough. The thruster activates full force and flies off at an angle. The direction of the blast makes it go to the side, but it still skims across the surface of Cybertron’s skyscraper skylines, tearing up the local topsoil… Obsidian, right in the line of the moon’s trajectory just stares at it coming toward him, and has enough time to whisper “Strika” right as the moon collides with the spire destroy it. But the rotation was enough, though heavily devastating the area, the moon scraps Cybertron’s surface, but rockets off away from the planet. The Predacons on Sion are freaking out, as Silverbolt and Knightscream combines together (sorta) and Silverbolt slams the Knightscream sword into the surface of the moon, and folds space, and teleports every Predacon on Sion (as well as himself) to the surface of Cybertron, while the moon spirals out of control into deep space.

In the aftermath, a strong peace has formed on the world, with Predacons, Maximals and Technorganics working side by side to rebuild Cybertron and society in general. A senate is formed, with the Axalon crew, Magmatron and several others taking their place as equal powers on Cybertron. Centuries pass. Cheetor has grown into a wise leader calling himself now Cheetah Prime, with his consort Nightviper at his side. Silverbolt and Blackarachia has split up, they remain true friends. With Magmatron and Knightscream’s assistance, he recreates the Matrix Templars which become like a Jedi Order, traveling around the system up keeping peace and order. Rattrap and Botanica help form a new science division, which developed Space Bridge technology to span across the entire universe. And there’s Obsidian, in status lock floating in deep space, where he’s caught in a tractor beam, and brought aboard a ship. He looks up, and sees his saviors… Megatron and the Decepticons. They’re coming home.

And as an epilogue. Countless billions of years from now, the universe is collapsing upon itself. And Cybertron, now the size of a small galaxy, at the center of it, is at the center of the collapse. The universe nears it’s ends, as Cybertron explodes, creating a new Big Bang starting a brand new universe.


So that was the story.

I won’t lie… I do regret not being able to tell that story in it’s entirety, but I know I won’t be able to. And it’s better to get it out there at least in text form, as opposed to just existing in my head. There’s quite a bit of it that wouldn’t work in today’s established universe. (Especially that bit with Primus and Unicron being a Vok.) But that’s what there was. In the meantime, if you have never read it... HERE is a Transformers Mosaic I did a few years ago.

Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it. And for making it this far... Here's a burger and fries.

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